People say water is conservation is very difficult task, but I do not agree with this saying. I know people who have started conservation of water and they found that it works. There are simple ways that will help you in saving water and for that you just need to change your habits. Here are some useful tips go through it
1) Cup-style conservation for shaving and brushing: When brushing your teeth or shaving, try using a cup. Simply fill an average glass with water (and shut the tap off when you’re done). Dip your toothbrush or razor into the cup to wet it. Continue as usual, then use the cup-water to rinse.
2) face-washing Eco-wise: Get your face clean without gallons of water by using a washcloth. Turn the tap on briefly to wet your hands as well as your facecloth and then shut the flow off again. Apply soap to your wet hands and scrub like normal. When you’re ready to rinse, use your wet cloth to remove the soap, and then give it a quick rinse under the tap.
3) Cool down with a pitcher: If you’re in need of a cold glass of water, don’t run the tap until you get the desired temperature. Instead, plan ahead by filling a pitcher with water and putting it in the fridge. This way, you’ll have cold water on demand without sending many, many gallons down the drain needlessly.
4) Sensible shower use: If you’ve got a shut-off valve on your shower head, use it to turn down or stop the water while you soap up, shave, or apply shampoo and conditioner.
I hope you after reading this you will make yourself aware about this important issue as water is life giver and every drop counts.